Autonomy or Anarchy?

Autonomy or Anarchy?

If you ask most software engineers what they want, they often will answer with “To build the best software, with the latest tools, without being bothered.” In other words, they want to build what they want and how they...

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Corporate Agitator

Corporate Agitator

Some may frown upon the term Corporate Agitator. Many may classify this type of person as someone who always challenges the status quo, criticizes new ideas, or points out the flaws in others vs. themselves. It may be more...

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When Your Users Aren't Agile

When your users aren’t Agile

For many years, if not decades companies have hammered their IT organizations to move faster. However, in the past decade as more and more technology companies have come to the forefront of our society, traditional companies...

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Learning Never Ends

Continuous Learning

As a technologist you often read article after article about continuous development, development operations (DevOps), agile delivery or incremental improvement methodologies. We live the pace of change in technology every day...

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